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I recently heard a corollary: Past 65, life is what happens between doctors’ appointments. In recent conversations, I’ve been asked where I find hope. We must learn from the young like tiny Greta and Rep. They are closer the future and thus have more to lose. They energize and make common cause with true advocates like Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, and Elizabeth Warren, D-MA. Witness how folk-rock dinosaurs Neil Young and Joni Mitchell just kicked Spotify’s greedy ass over allowing murderous COVID-19 disinformation to be spread like droppings in a barnyard. (BTW: Most music streaming is old songs.) Soul singer Indie Arie and podcaster Roxane Gay, both 40-somethings, followed suit. We live in terrifying times with wars more common than not as we plunge headlong into the twin firepits of tribalism and greed. They are increasingly (gasp!) liberal and thus must be kept away from voting. The United States has never lost a conventional war although Korea ended in an uneasy tie. We have since lost Vietnam and Afghanistan to tireless guerrillas who bled us white of blood and treasure. The late Iraqi dictator (and onetime U.S. ally) Saddam Hussein was the only guy stupid enough to risk fighting us in a conventional WW2- style ground war.

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Military today remains the baddest buncha sonsabitches who ever got into a fight.Ĭzar Donaldov’s buddy Bad Vlad seems intent on re-fighting WW2 over little ole Ukraine.

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